Dry scalp and how to treat it

Dry scalp and how to treat it

The best way to promote healthy hair is to ensure a healthy scalp. Having a good care routine to nourish and moisturise the scalp will benefit this. Our scalp produces oil known as ‘sebum’ from glands which lie underneath the skins surface. This is the scalps natural moisturiser and coats and protects the hair strands. Sometimes our bodies don’t produce enough of it and therefore we can get a dry, itchy scalp.

What causes a dry scalp?

* Washing hair too frequently will remove the scalps natural oil (sebum), this can leave the scalp more sensitive

  • Hormonal changes such as ageing or pregnancy can affect sebum levels
  • Product residue from too much use of hair product which builds up on the scalp or not rinsing properly when shampooing, this leads to irritation
  • Changes in the weather humidity, wind, heat, cold and sun exposure can all lead to irritation of your scalp
  • Diet and dehydration lack of fluids (water) and nutrients can result in your scalp not producing enough sebum
  • Sulphates these are commonly found in shampoos and are responsible for the ‘foaming’ action. These can be very drying so are not suitable for a dry or sensitive scalp

Dry scalp treatment

It’s best to identify what is causing your dry scalp so that you can select the best course of treatment. Some lifestyle adjustments may be able to assist in treating your dry scalp

  • Drink plenty of water preferably 1-2 litres per day will keep you hydrated, and then in turn your scalp
  • Don’t wash your hair everyday this can dry your scalp as it doesn’t allow for the sebum to secrete onto the scalp and hair enough
  • Diet foods rich in omega – 3 fatty acids (oily fish e.g salmon) and foods containing vitamin A (e.g carrots) stimulate sebum glands and also contribute to healthy hair
  • Different hair products try more gentle shampoos that are sulphate free or specifically for sensitive scalp
  • Protect your scalp from UV rays e.g. hats or creams. Use a lower heat when using a hairdryer to protect from high heat drying out the scalp
  • Scalp treatments masks, scalp tonics and scalp exfoliators will help to remove dry scalp build up and moisturise and hydrate

Do I have dry scalp or dandruff?

There is a specific difference between the two. Dandruff is a fungus which results in the shedding of dead skin cells. Dandruff can typically affect people with both dry scalp and a greasy scalp too. Whilst there are products available to treat dandruff you may require prescribed medications to eliminate it. Seeing a GP may help in diagnosing whether it is a dry or dandruff scalp.

Having a dry or dandruff scalp is certainly nothing to feel embarrassed about as a huge amount of the population suffer with it. If you still need advice then seek it from your GP or your hairstylist.

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