Mince Pie Treacle Tart 

 Mince Pie Treacle Tart 


 For the pastry 

130g slightly salted butter, chilled 

120g plain flour 

135g plain spelt flour 

1 medium free-range egg 

2-3 tbsp cold (ideally iced) water 

For the filling 

1 small eating apple, grated 

40g raisins 

40g sultanas 

50ml marsala wine 

400g golden syrup 

125g white bread, whizzed into breadcrumbs 

Finely grated zest 1 orange 

Finely grated zest 2 lemons, plus ½ tbsp lemon juice 

1 tsp ground cinnamon 

½ tsp ground allspice 

Good grating of nutmeg 

2 medium free-range eggs, lightly beaten 

2 tbsp double cream, plus extra to serve 

Icing sugar to dust 

Brandy butter to serve (optional) 


To make the pastry, rub the butter into the flours until it resembles damp sand. Add the egg and the water then, using a butter knife, cut into the mixture until it begins to come together. Bring the dough together with your hands, working just enough to get a smooth flattened disc, then wrap and chill for 30 minutes. 

Heat the oven to 180°C fan/gas 6. Roll out the pastry and line the tart tin with baking paper. Trim off and reserve any excess (re-wrap and chill this for later). Prick the base with a fork, then line with baking paper and fill with baking beans (or uncooked rice). Bake for 15 minutes, then remove the paper (see Don’t Waste It) and beans and bake for a further 10 minutes until crisp and dry. Set aside and turn the oven down to 160°C fan/gas 4. 

While the pastry bakes, put the apple, raisins and sultanas in a bowl and pour over the marsala. Leave to steep for 15 minutes, then mix in the golden syrup, breadcrumbs, citrus zests, lemon juice and 

spices. Stir in the eggs and cream plus a small pinch of flaky sea salt. 

Roll out the leftover pastry and cut out some stars or other festive shapes. Tip the filling into the blind-baked pastry case, smooth the top, then decorate with the pastry shapes. Bake for 40 minutes until set. Leave to cool for around 30 minutes, then serve warm, dusted with  icing sugar and with double cream and/or brandy butter alongside. 

Serves 12

 Recipe courtesy of www.deliciousmagazine.co.uk 

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