Peach Melba Knickerbocker Glory

Peach Melba Knickerbocker Glory


300g Raspberries

50g Caster sugar

200ml Double cream

4 Ripe peaches, halved, with stones removed

8 Scoops vanilla ice cream

Handful of almonds


Blitz the rapberries with half the sugar, and a splash of water to make a raspberry sauce, then tip into a small bowl.

In a seperate bowl whisk the cream with the remaining sugar until smooth and spoonable, then set aside. Thinly slice the peaches. In tall sundae glasses, layer the peach slices, raspberries and raspberry sauce, finishing with scoops of ice cream, a generous spoonful of whipped cream, and a scattering of flaked almonds. Serve straight awsay with long spoons.

Recipe courtesy of

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