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Some Of Our Clients

73-year-old grandmother takes to the skies for Willen Hospice

Sheila Nanon, a remarkable 73-year-old grandmother of seven, is set to embark on an extraordinary challenge to raise £10,000... read more

Just one month to go until popular Midnight Moo event

Local charity Willen Hospice are calling on Milton Keynes to ‘join the herd’ for their Midnight Moo night-time walk... read more


Local dancer/choreographer Kane Walcott wins £1,000 to bring professional dancers to Milton Keynes.  At the start of this year a... read more

Why Won’t My Hair Grow?

Have you ever wondered why your hair gets to a certain point and then it just doesn’t grow any... read more

Peach Melba Knickerbocker Glory

Ingredients: 300g Raspberries 50g Caster sugar 200ml Double cream 4 Ripe peaches, halved, with stones removed 8 Scoops vanilla ice cream Handful of almonds Method: Blitz the rapberries... read more

Time To Enjoy Summer In The Garden

Cut lavender for drying, choosing newly opened flowers for the best fragrance, then hang up in a cool, dark... read more

Local charity encourages people to Write a Will this May

Willen Hospice are encouraging local people to take advantage of their Make a Will Month offer this May.  Throughout the... read more

Olney retailers unite to raise over £6,000 for Willen Hospice with charity fashion show

A charity fashion show hosted by Olney's top fashion retailers has successfully raised over £6,000 for local palliative care... read more

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